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Visit Bihar - A Journey to Incredible India.

 1. Mahabodhi Temple, Bodh Gaya

The Mahabodhi Shrine is a Buddhist temple in the Indian town of Bodh Gaya. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of Buddhism's most sacred locations. The temple is thought to be where the Buddha obtained enlightenment. It is a popular Buddhist pilgrimage site, with numerous shrines and statues depicting the Buddha and his teachings.

2. Nalanda

Nalanda was an ancient Indian centre of higher learning. It was a Buddhist monastery and university in what is now the state of Bihar that flourished between the 5th and 12th century CE. It is regarded as one of the world's oldest universities. It was a well-known study centre for Buddhist teachings, philosophy, and the fine arts. Aside from Buddhist studies, Nalanda was a prominent centre for Hinduism, Jainism, and other Indian religions. It was also a gathering place for scholars from all over the world to study, share ideas, and engage in intellectual debate. Nalanda was critical in the propagation of Buddhism throughout Asia. It is anticipated Nalanda could house up to 10,000 pupils at any given time. In 1193 CE, an invading army destroyed Nalanda, and the site is now an archaeological ruin.

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